Individual and group level antecedents in the development of idiosyncratic deals. a cross-level study

Antecedentes individuais e grupais no desenvolvimento de acordos idiossincráticos: um estudo entre níveis
Trabalho publicado na Psychologica em 2019.


Research on workers’ proactive behaviors has increased in recent years, emphasizing the need for a more active workforce. In this context, research has been carried out on idiosyncratic deals (i-deals), that is, individualized work arrangements that employees negotiate with their employers about aspects that are mutually beneficial. Because this research topic focuses on individuals’ actions, most of the studies analyzing its antecedents examine individual characteristics. However, group and organizational characteristics have been suggested to play a role. The aim of the present paper is to analyze the interplay between individual and group level factors in the development of i-deals. More specifically, we consider the role of psychological capital and justice climate in the development of i-deals. A total of 520 employees working in 83 work-units in Spain participated in a panel study. A cross-level approach was adopted to analyze the relationships among psychological capital (psycap), justice climate and i-deals. The results revealed group differences in the enactment of i-deals. Individual and group level factors showed a significant positive relationship with i-deals. After controlling for individual characteristics, Justice Climate still added predictive power.


I-deals; Psychological capital; Justice climate; cross-level research

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